Sunday, December 23, 2012


This morning, as I was getting into the shower, I shouted to Henry.

“Henry, come feel my boobs!”

I know this is hard to believe, but he came running.  He cupped my breasts in his hands and immediately said, “Wow. Heavy.”

That’s right, my boobs are heavy.  Not swollen, not sore, just heavy, dense.  I’ve convinced myself that my boobs have been bigger or tinglier in months past, but this time they are really and truly differentHenry even admitted that in the past he’s been lying when he said that he noticed whatever symptom I'd convinced myself of, but this time he felt it.  No, “but if you squeeze them this way, don’t they just seem a little bigger?” from me needed.

I know that it could just be the increased progesterone in my system from the supplements, but it’s not a bad sign.  Not a bad sign at all.

As I climbed into the shower, still feeling myself up, Henry added, “You know, this really isn’t helping the whole no sex thing.”


  1. When do you test? Sending positive vibes your way for success with this cycle!

    1. My beta is on the 28th, and I'm not testing before for a couple of reasons... first, I've never seen a positive pregnancy test, so I sort of feel like they're cursed and if I take one it will definitely be negative. Also, Henry hid them from me.

    2. I always try to wait it out and never make it to beta! Good for you - hold strong! You are almost there! (Kudos to Henry for hiding them! Smart man!)

  2. ha! hysterical & encouraging... all at the same time! fingers crossed for you that all of these signs add up to the real deal! hope you have a great holiday & start the new year off with some great news!

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