Friday, December 7, 2012

Truckin' Along

I have a confession: I got a cup of coffee this morning.  And not the small size. The medium.

I needed it; it’s cold and rainy and I’m tired and the novelty is starting to wear off of this whole process.  I feel like a freaking pin cushion.  Since this time last Friday, I’ve had 18 needles in me.  Four blood draws, six doses of Gonal F, six doses of Menopur, one dose of Ganirelix, and one cyst aspiration.  Not that I’m counting.  And that number is about to increase exponentially; from here on out I have three shots a day and will get blood drawn at least every other day.  My nurse told me to start icing my arms where she takes the blood to prevent bruising so that she can continue to access her favorite vein.  You know you are getting too much blood taken when your nurse has a favorite vein.

You know who else is getting a little too familiar with giving me shots?  Henry.  He likes it, and is surprisingly good at it.  He asked me if I thought he could outsource his skill and be a professional IVF medication mixer and shot giver.  The man just finished law school and now he’s fantasizing about nursing school. Great.

To mix things up, last night we embarked on a medication adventure: we were at a party during shot time, so we had to pack up our little portable medication cooler and do the shots in the bathroom.  For a minute we seriously considered leaving the needle behind; it would have caused all kinds of fun gossip this morning!  Somehow I doubt anyone would have guessed what it was actually used for (although Laura, she of the possible fertility treatments, was there, so maybe she would have recognized it?).

Then, tonight, we’ll be down at my parents (my mom is so fascinated with this process that I have a feeling she’ll want to watch me get the shot), and Saturday night is the one I’m dreading: Henry and I will be apart, so I’ll have to give myself the Saturday night and Sunday morning shots, three in all. Not happy about that.

And every day we get closer and closer to that giant, intramuscular trigger injection needle.

Anyway, I realized I never shared my test results from Wednesday: my estrogen was at 227.  I’m still having a hard time figuring out where it’s supposed to be, but from what I can tell they want it to double every 48 hours.  Mine doubled and then some (it was at 100 on Monday), so that’s good!  I got more blood taken today, and I’m hoping for a 500 when I hear from the nurse this afternoon.*

I also had another ultrasound today, and was a little disappointed.  I had six measurable follicles on my right ovary, all between 10-12 mm.  And then a couple small ones on my right, and a couple more small ones on my left.  I was hoping for more, but am telling myself…
  • It only takes one
  • Slow growth is better than fast
  • Quality is more important that quantity
  • Having too many would be bad – OHSS sounds awful
  • The little ones have plenty of time to catch up, and might not be too far behind (I don’t think they measure anything under 10)
  • There could be more hiding back there
  • The big ones all seem to be growing at the same pace
  • I’m on a pretty low dose of medications, so if my doctor wasn’t happy he could easily increase it

And I can tell the meds are working – I’m a little bloated (definitely in the fat pants today) and have that pre-period full uterus feeling going on.  I’m also a little more emotional than normal.  On Tuesday night I cried at Raising Hope (although that might not have had anything to do with the meds –c’mon, Hope called Sabrina mommy, who wouldn’t tear up at that?), and then Wednesday was extra embarrassing because I got sniffly up at one of those stupid “He Went to Jared” commercials.  If I start asking Henry for an Open Heart ™ necklace, someone please put me out of my misery.

*Update: My estrogen had only risen to 377, so they went ahead and increased my dosage to 150 IU of Gonal F and 112.5 IU of Menopur.  The nurse said that this is pretty common after starting Ganirelix and not a reason to worry, I was fine.  But I'm going to go ahead and worry anyway.


  1. Hang in there!! You're doing awesome! I love your attitude! It gives me so much hope and encouragement!

    Just'll have all kinds of fun stories to tell this baby about his/her making! IE - shots in a friend's bathroom and in front of mom!! Ha ha!

    I'm glad he raised your dosage right away! Hopefully you'll see some improvement in a couple of days! :)

    1. hey chelsea! i've just been catching up on your blog -- sounds like things are moving right along! i'm so happy that you're documenting all of this on here... i've been at RE appointments pretty much weekly for the past month & am scheduled for my baseline ultrasound/bloodwork on nye, & then i'll start injections just after the new year. it sounds like i'll be on a similar protocol (they have me starting with 300 IU of gonal-f & 150 of menopur, then adding probably somewhere in day 4-7, & finally the ovridel trigger shot at the end)... do you already know how many embryos you'll transfer?

      our RE really wanted us to do embryo batching, but unfortunately our insurance won't cover it since they consider it "experimental." i was pretty upset about this, since my RE planted the seed in my head that if we want any shot at having future children, we better have embryos from this egg retrieval on ice, but as my husband says, stressing doesn't help anything. so i'm trying not to focus on that right now.

      i gave up alcohol (brutal) & caffeine (even more brutal) about a month ago, & have been trying to eat pretty strictly organic. i've been doing weekly acupuncture (did i read that you've been doing that, too?) -- it's pretty wacky. i'm a bit terrified of needles, so this whole process has been a bit like unwanted immersion therapy. do the gonal-f & menopur shots hurt? our nurse instructed us to give all of them in the lower abdomen. my coping mechanism for getting shots has always been to look away & act like it's not happening... which could be a problematic approach if i ever end up having to give myself the shots. you are truly a rockstar for shooting up solo. & what is this portable medication cooler you speak of?! i may need to look into this for my husband's company holiday party, which will take place right in the middle of stimming. AWK. WARD.

      well, thanks again for posting about your crappy tubes. i have one other pal who's also doing ivf, but i'll cycle before her, so i really don't have a lot of resources to gather info from... i appreciate being able to learn from you! good luck with everything!

    2. Hi Shannon! Glad to hear that everything is moving along with you! I ended up lucking out this weekend - I didn't have to give myself any shots after all. Even though I really don't mind needles much, I was SO HAPPY about that! The shots really aren't bad, though, so don't worry too much about them - the needles for the Gonal and Menopur are so tiny that there are times when I literally don't feel it. Mostly I hate the constant blood draws, because I've always had uncooperative veins. I'm sick of getting shots because it's annoying, but it's not too painful.

      I keep wanting to try acupuncture, but my schedule hasn't cooperated yet. I know it's supposed to be good but the idea of having one more appointment stresses me out... I feel like it's better for me, mentally, to go home and change into my sweatpants after work!

      We are planning to transfer one embryo if it's a 5-day, and two if it's a 3-day. I can feel my resolve to do one wavering, so there's a chance we'll reevaluate, especially if the embryos aren't of a great quality. Right now we're taking it one day at a time. We're not planning on doing ICSI or assisted hatching, but we told the doctor that they could do it at their discretion if it seemed like they needed it.

      Our portable medication cooler came, I think, from the Gonal-F company, so maybe you'll get one! It's just a little book-like pouch (it looks like a planner) with a pocket for an ice pack and elastic loops to hold the syringes. It's pretty convenient! You'll be fine if you have to do it in the middle of the party - by that time it'll be such a routine that you'll do it in a flash! I just keep thinking that it'll all be a great story one day.

      Good luck!
