Thursday, April 4, 2013

Beta Hell

Yesterday was my fourth and last beta, and I was hoping for a good strong number to fortify me for the wait until my ultrasound (which has been scheduled for next Tuesday).

Instead I got 2,543.

Now, actually, this is a fine number, it’s the doubling time that has me worried.  Based on beta doubling calculators, between my first and second beta (305-621 over 2 days), there was a doubling time of about 47 hours.  Between second and third (621-1634 over 3 days), it increased a little to 51 hours.  But between the third and fourth (1634-2543 over 2 days), it went allllll the way up to 75 hours.  That’s means that it’s suddenly taking a whole extra DAY to double!! That’s scary.

I am really, really trying not to freak out.  I am also failing miserably at not freaking out.  But, to make me feel better, please indulge my list of reasons not to freak out.

Why Chelsea Shouldn’t Be Freaking Out
  • The nurse said it was fine.  Actually, she didn’t say fine, she said great.  The word “spectacular” was used.
  • When I called the nurse back to ask for reassurance, she said that when the doctor saw the numbers he was not at all worried by them.  I’m pretty sure that his years of experience with hundreds if not thousands of betas trumps my Googling.
  • The nurse also said that, after everything that I’ve been though, it’s normal to be anxious.  That could be part of it.
  • According to this website, normal doubling times are 31-72 hours until the number gets to be about 1,200, then 72-96 hours.  I seem to be sticking to that perfectly.  The nurse also mentioned that the doubling time can slow down as the number increases.
  • I’ve also read online that, once you get to about the 5th week of pregnancy, you can’t rely on betas as much anymore and ultrasounds are better.  Yesterday I was 5w1d.
  • If my clinic hadn’t insisted on testing me until I got to 2,000, everything would have looked perfect.  A lot of people only get two tests, to make sure the number is doubling, and I would have aced that.  I might just have too much information.
  • It still rose 900 over two days, which is more than it has risen over any other two day period.  So not only is it still going up, it's still snowballing.
  • I haven't had any spotting or over-the-top cramping that would indicate a miscarriage.
  • I’m starting to wonder if my body just doesn’t produce as many hormones as some other people’s.  My estrogen never doubled very fast or got very high while I was stimming, either, but I still did ok.
  • 2,543 is a good, healthy number.  Lots of pregnancies destined to fail never get that high.
  • From my Googling, I’ve found plenty of people who had similar numbers and went on to have healthy babies.

Why Chelsea Should Be Freaking Out
  • The rise seems to have hit the breaks very abruptly.  I would expect the normal slowing to be more gradual, wouldn't you?
  • All the people on the internet seem to double with lightning speed well into the 10,000s.
  • The nurse said that they want to see it double in three days.  Although she didn’t seem very concerned about this, at the current rate it would take a little more than three days to double.
  • From my Googling, I’ve found plenty of people who had similar numbers and went on to have miscarriages.
  • Hydros increase the chance of miscarriage.
  • WHERE ARE MY SYMPTOMS???? All I want to do is throw up.  it would make me feel so much better.

It’s going to be a loooooong five days.


  1. hey chelsea -- so glad to hear your betas are rising!! i agree with your nurse -- things are sounding great! my nurse told me that as long as your betas are rising by 60%, that all is well. & after 1,000 i know they do slow down... are they thinking multiples or just one strong singleton??

    my betas were: 204 12dp5dt, 551 14dp5dt, & then we took another one yesterday at our first ultrasound -- 8427! i'm having a hard time googling to see if it's normal b/c most doctors don't report it if it's over 5,000. we saw one sac with a yolk sac, our nurse said we really can't count out multiples for another few ultrasounds... so i guess we'll see.

    it's so easy to overanalyze the betas, but i've heard that the true doubling in 48 hours isn't overly crucial if you had a relatively high beta the first time (greater than 50-75).

    sounds like things are progressing along! keep us posted how the first u/s goes!

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I know that its normal for them to slow down, but I'm still pretty nervous... I guess I just won't know anything until Tuesday. Ironically, the reason they made it for Tuesday and not tomorrow is because they didn't want to bring me in too early and have me worry if I don't see anything!

      Your numbers sound great, I'm jealous that you've had your ultrasound! How far along were you when you had it? My clinic won't do them until you're more than 5 and a half weeks along... since that falls on a weekend for me, my ultrasound will be when I'm exactly 6 weeks.

  2. Try not to worry too much (I know...easier said than done!!)'re right that you're numbers look great. If there was cause for concern your nurse and your doctor would have said so. That's whole point of doing these tests, isn't it?! Not to give you false hope!!!

    Also...I'll add, everyone is different. My RE's office told me they want to see an increase of you could be in the 60% range...and you already know the doubling starts to slow down the further you go along.

    I would encourage you to set the mouse/laptop down and find a project to get you through the weekend! I just so happened to be painting my kitchen cabinets during my TWW so it FLEW by! So that's my advice for anyone waiting (TWW or waiting for the first ultrasound) - find something that will keep you busy and away from dr. google!!! :)

    Hopefully you'll get some pictures at your ultrasound! Looking forward to seeing them and hearing a great report!!

    1. Thanks, Paula! You're right, I do need a project! Thankfully I'm going to a friend's birthday party tonight so will be far from the internet!

  3. From a non-pregnant lady, those numbers sound good to me. Even if they have slowed down, you seemed to have researched it and read that it is still in the normal range. Maybe you had both implant but really only one took completely. I agree with Paula, go out and enjoy the great weather, grab tix to the O's (we are going this weekend too!) and remember, you have no control over it. Just like IVF, no control, it stinks for us planners but such is life right!

    1. Yes, it's definitely the planner/control freak in me! I am wondering if there's a "vanishing twin" - the numbers seem to fit with that. I'll find out Tuesday!

  4. hey chelsea-- i was 5w4d when i went in for my first ultrasound. we didn't see a heartbeat, but the u/s tech wasn't too surprised & said that we usually won't see that before 6 weeks... our next u/s is weds, & i'll be 6w5d.

    i've been reading so much about betas trying to figure out if i might be having two, & honestly i think they vary so much for each woman, it's hard to find concrete patterns. my doubling time has been pretty fast, but so far we're only seeing one. my nurse told me that as long as they're doubling within the "normal" range, it just means that development is right on track. let us know how it goes for you this week!!
